Piedmont Park Art Festival

Back to Atlanta! :) I am taking part in the 5th annual Piedmont Park Art Festival on the 16th and 17th of August. Even though I've been to Atlanta countless times in my life I don't think I've ever been to Piedmont Park. Apparently, it’s right downtown and the biggest park in the whole city...so, kinda puzzling how I've missed it. Hmmm....that might be like a metaphor for my whole life!  haha....bear with me.

The Saturday hours are 10am-6pm and Sunday is 11am-6pm. Admission is free. The address is 1215 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta GA 30309. If you are in the neighborhood please come by my booth. All of my new work from the summer will be there.

Here's a link to the festival website. www.piedmontparkartsfestival.com