I'll be in Gainesville on Saturday and Sunday - Nov 8-9 for the 33rd annual Downtown Festival and Art show. Aside for some overnight rain on Saturday, the weather looks to be absolutely lovely (I admit to being cold in Atlanta last weekend ;) ). Here is the festival website: http://www.gvlculturalaffairs.org/website/programs_events/DFAS/downtown_art_fest.html
Last year I attended this event (only as an art lover not a participating artist) with my dad and my oldest son. All three of us loved it. My son ended up buying a print from the artist Eddie Myers (love his work). It's always fun to watch as one of my children finds something at a show that really speaks to them. Here is a link to the artist's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ArtOfEddieMyers
So come if you can, it should be a great time!