Gasparilla Festival of the Arts - March 2-3

I’ll be in Tampa March 2-3 for the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts. The hours are Saturday 9am to 6pm, and Sunday 10am to 5pm. My booth is in the same place as last year - number 93 which is across from the music stage.

For more info here is a link to their website

I plan on bringing quite a lot of my art with me - 5 original pieces, 30 plus giclée reproductions on canvas, 3-4 reproductions on birch wood, and plenty of paper giclée prints. Below is the complete list of canvas giclee reproductions that I will have. I know the matching the titles to the images can be quite difficult - you can always flip back to the prints page. :)

I hope to see you there!

post festival note - another great weekend in Tampa - the venue is just gorgeous and the weather was almost perfect - maybe a little hot ;). Hopefully, I’ll be back next year!

Images: A Festival of the Arts - Jan 25-27

The weekend of January 25-27 I will be in New Smyrna Beach for Images: A Festival of the Arts. The hours are Friday 1pm to 5pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm, and Sunday 10am to 4pm. My booth number is 185 - which is on Canal Street kinda far down almost to the end. So please don’t miss me!

Here’s a link to their website if you want more info about parking, maps, or other artists that will be there:

I plan on bringing with me 5 original pieces.  I'll also be bringing 25 plus giclée reproductions on canvas, 3-4 reproductions on birch wood, and plenty of paper giclée prints with me. Below the complete list of canvas and wood pieces I am bringing. If you want something specific that is not on the list then please email me by January 15th.

Okay that’s all I hope to see you there.

post festival note - well Friday and Saturday were great and then came the storm. I’ve seriously never packed up on a Saturday night. But it was fun while it lasted! :)

Downtown Festival and Art Show - Gainesville FL

The weekend of December 1st and 2nd, I will be in Gainesville for the Downtown Festival and Art Show. The hours are 10am – 5pm on both days. My booth number is 43 - which is on 1st Street right in front of Harry’s Seafood Bar and Grill.

Here’s a link to their website if you want more info:

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 25 or so canvas giclée reproductions, 4 pieces on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. Thanks and see you there! 

Post Festival Note - Well, the weather totally didn’t cooperate on Saturday and Sunday always had a threat of rain it seemed. So, in the end I kinda closed the year with a drizzle. ;) Still, Gainesville is the town I was born in so that’s kinda nice I guess. I’m done traveling til 2019. Thanks to everyone who came out all year long.

Great Gulf Coast Art Festival - Nov 2-4

From Nov 2nd to the 4th, I will be in Seville Square in downtown Pensacola at the Great at the Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival. The hours are 9am – 5pm on Friday and Saturday and then 10am to 4pm on Sunday. My booth location is different than the last two years (not sure if you saw me there or not). This year my booth number is Picasso37 - which is along the edge of the park closest to Alcaniz Street.

Here’s a link to their website if you want more info:

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 30 or so canvas giclée reproductions, 3 pieces on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. Below is the list. As always, the titles and images are tough to match up, so flip back and forth between this page and the prints page if you need. Thanks and see you there! 

Post Festival note - Toby and I had another great time in Pensacola. The weather was so perfect and the artists we were next to were so friendly. We appreciate everyone who came out and saw us there. We look forward to returning next year. :)

Ocala Arts Festival - Oct 27-28

The weekend of October 27-28 I will be in downtown Ocala, FL for the Ocala Arts Festival. The hours are 10am – 6pm on Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sunday.

Here’s a link to their website if you want more info: FAFO.

Post Festival Note - I had a wonderful time in Ocala. I can’t even believe it but I won Best in Show!!!!! I’m still stunned. :) The weather was gorgeous. And the people were fabulous. The whole thing was just awesome.


Blue Ridge GA - Oct 13-14

Headed to Blue Ridge! Yay! And I’ve just checked the forecast and I’m head over heels. It’s been a LONG HOT SUMMER in Florida and some nice Fall weather is desperately needed. I love it! :)

Here’s a link to their website if you want more info Blue Ridge

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 30 or so canvas giclée reproductions, 3 pieces on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. Below is the list. As always, the titles and images are tough to match up, so flip back and forth between this page and the prints page if you need. Thanks and see you there! 

Post Festival Note - Blue Ridge was everything I had hoped. It’s was chilly. It was beautiful. It was slow paced (in a good way). And it was successful in terms of art sales. :) Thanks to all who came out.

Cottonwood Art Festival - Oct 6-7 - Richardson TX

Well, I’m headed to Texas and I’m pretty excited about it. :) I love taking my art to new places. Even more so this time because this is a huge city (or metro area I guess) and this is a big time show (judging by the other artists that are participating). So I’m optimistic as can be that it will be a great weekend.

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 40 or so canvas giclée reproductions, 3 pieces on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. Below is a list of the canvas giclees and birch wood pieces that I

As always, the titles and images are tough to match up, so flip back and forth between this page and the prints page if you need. Thanks and see you there! 

Post Festival Note - What a show! And what great art! It was a far ways from home but totally worth it. Plus Toby’s brother lives there and we got to hang out with him and his fiancé - which was an added bonus. We hope to return next Fall. :)

Festival in the Park - Charlotte, NC - Sept 21-23

The weekend of September 21-23 I’ll be back in Charlotte and will be showing my work in Freedom Park at Festival in the Park. The hours are 4pm to 9:30pm on Friday, 10am to 9:30pm on Saturday, and 11am to 6pm on Sunday. For more info about parking and other events happening that weekend, feel free to follow this link to their website - Festival in the Park.

I believe my booth will be in the same location as last year but, I haven’t actually received confirmation of that. If they move me I will post a follow up.

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 40 or so canvas giclée reproductions, 2 pieces on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. Below is a list of the canvas giclees and birch wood pieces that I will have. The list is still evolving somewhat so there could be some minor changes. As always, the titles and images are tough to match up, so flip back and forth between this page and the prints page if you need. Thanks and see you there! 


Another great show in Charlotte. The weather was perfect and the setting in Freedom Park is so picturesque. It’s a great event which was made even better when I won the 2-D Judges Choice Award! :) Thanks to everyone who came out!

Lazy Daze in Cary, NC - August 25-26

The weekend of August 25-26 I will be back in Cary at the Lazy Daze Arts and Crafts Festival. The hours are 9am to 6pm on Saturday, and then 12:30pm to 5pm on Sunday. My booth number is B200 - which is at the corner of Academy St and Wilkinson Ave. I’ve attached a map to the email.

For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, feel free to follow this link to their website - Lazy Daze

post festival note - Well the weather was gorgeous on Saturday - even a little chilly in the morning which is crazy for August. And once again Cary's art lovers came out in droves. It was so busy and I set a record for number of paper reproductions sold at one show. Thanks to everyone! I had a great show and hope to return next year. :) 

Banner Elk, NC - A festival and a trip to the mountains :)

After we left Madison, Toby and I headed to northwestern NC for a show in Banner Elk (a tiny town close to Sugar and Beech Mountains). My folks were kind enough to meet us there and bring our kids along with them. We got there a couple of days before the show started and stayed an extra day - which was plenty of time to take in some hikes and even go zip lining at Hawks Nest. We loved it. 

About the show - it was the smallest show I'll do this year, yet it went remarkably well. The patrons took to my work and, while I didn't break any sales records, I did really well, totally above expectations. :) So I am totally hoping to do it again next year. Maybe even staying longer. I am just so in love with the mountains.    

Art Fair on the Square - Madison, WI festival dates: July 14-15

The weekend of July 14th-15th I will be in Madison, WI for Art Fair on the Square. The hours are 9am to 6pm on Saturday, and then 10am to 5pm on Sunday. My booth location is the exact same as last year – booth 234.  It's on Carroll Street kinda by Fromagination.

For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, feel free to follow this link to their website - Art Fair on the Square

I’ll be bringing 6 original pieces, 50 plus canvas giclée reproductions, 4 or 5 reproductions on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints. 

post festival note - Once again Toby and I loved our trip to Madison. It's such a great town and the venue around the capital makes the event special and unique. We sold tons (thanks everyone!) and also received an Invitational Award, which guarantees I am invited back next year. So I am hoping everything works out for me to return. :) 

Summerfest - Virginia Highlands - Atlanta

The weekend of June 9-10 I will be back in Atlanta at the Summerfest art show in the Virginia Highlands neighborhood of Atlanta. The hours are 10am to 6:30pm on Saturday, and then 10am to 6pm on Sunday. My booth number is 181 - which looks like will be close to the corner of Virginia Avenue and Arcadia Street. For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, feel free to follow this link to their website -

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 40 plus canvas giclée reproductions, and lots of paper giclée prints. One of the original pieces will be brand new - untitled as of yet. I am working like crazy to get both paper and canvas prints of it ready to bring with me but the time frame is very tight. I'm hoping! :)

Post Festival Note - I love Atlanta (and I really love the Virginia Highlands neighborhood) but I didn't really have the best show as far as sales go. Toby says the bar has been set too high from previous shows (esp in Atlanta). Regardless , I thank everyone who came out  braving the super hot weather - summer is definitely in full swing. Next stop Madison, Wisconsin.  

Artsplosure, Raleigh, NC

The weekend of May 19th-20th I will be showing my work at Artsplosure in downtown Raleigh. The hours are 11am to 7pm on Saturday and then 10am to 6pm on Sunday (so we’re not there on Friday this year unlike previous years).  For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, here’s a link to their website -

I don’t know our booth number yet – I will post it once I get it.

I’ll be bringing 5 original pieces, 30 plus canvas giclée reproductions, lots of paper giclée prints. Below is the complete list of canvas giclee reproductions that we'll have. And I know there are so many titles that it becomes difficult to identify them. The best I can offer is just to flip back and forth between this page and the prints page. :)

post festival note - Well, it rained all day Saturday but yet I still had a great day? Crazy but true. And Sunday was perfect. Thanks to everyone who came out. And remember I'll be back in August in Cary NC at Lazy Daze. :)   

Magic City Art Connection - Birmingham AL

The weekend of April 27th-29th I will be at the Magic City Art Connection in Linn Park in downtown Birmingham. The hours are 10am to 6pm on Friday and Saturday and then 10am to 5pm on Sunday. For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, here’s a link to their website -  

My booth number is 450 – which is more like where I was in 2015 and 2016.

Post Festival Note: Toby and I had a wonderful trip to Birmingham. The weather was gorgeous and we stayed right downtown at the Tutwiler Hotel right on the edge on the park. It was so nice to just get up and walk a couple of minutes to the booth. :) 

Thanks to everyone who came out to the show. It was by far my best year for sales and I am very grateful. Also, I was fortunate enough to win an award which means I am an automatic invite for next year.  

Dogwood Festival - April 13th - 15th

From Toby ~

From April 13th through April 15th Michelle will be showing her work at the Dogwood Festival in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. The hours are 12pm to 7pm on Friday, 10am to 7pm on Saturday, and then 10am to 6pm on Sunday. Her booth number is 221. For more info about parking and other events happening there that weekend, feel free to follow this link to their website -

She’ll be bringing 6 original pieces, 40 plus canvas giclée reproductions, 2 reproductions on birch wood, and lots of paper giclée prints.

Post Festival Note: 

Despite the rain on Sunday, we had another great show in Atlanta. One of the highlights was our Airbnb! :) We could walk to the park, which meant we didn't have to worry about parking - a huge relief. Plus, the place was so quaint and our hosts were super friendly. They even ended up buying a canvas giclee! Check them out on twitter: @BungalowATL

Thanks to everyone who came out. I appreciate the support. I definitely feel the love every time I go up there. Speaking of which, we will be back in Atlanta for the Virginia Highlands Summerfest June 9th- 10th.   

Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival - March 16-18

The weekend of March 16-18 I will be showing my work at the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival. The hours are 9am to 6pm on Friday and Saturday and then 9am to 5pm on Sunday. My booth number is 179. For more info here is a link to their website

I feel that I need to point out and emphasize that this is a very different kind of festival to what I am accustomed. The festival rules do not allow artists to display reproductions of any kind. Ergo, the only art work I can show in my booth will be my original pieces – of which I will have only 6 (maybe 7). I will not be able to hang any canvas giclée prints or have bins for paper giclée prints.

I will, however, be bringing some canvas and paper prints with me, which you can see upon request. My husband, Toby, will be there to help facilitate all of this. 

That said, the show should be awesome with a lot of talented artists. Please come out and see me! 

Post festival note - 03/21/2018. I had a wonderful time in Winter Park. I had no idea how cute the venue was - Park Avenue is so awesome! I feel fortunate to have won an Award of Excellence. The show was full of tremendous artists - so it's really an honor to be chosen. Thanks Winter Park!   

Gasparilla Festival of the Arts - March 3-4

The weekend of March 3-4 I will be showing my work at the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts in Tampa. The hours are 9am to 6pm on Saturday and then 10am to 5pm on Sunday. My booth number is 93 which will be across from where the stage for the musical performances. For more info here is a link to their website

I plan on bringing quite a lot of my art with me - 5 original pieces, 30 plus giclée reproductions on canvas, 1 reproductions on birch wood (hopefully), and plenty of paper giclée prints.

Post Festival Note

We've only been to Tampa one other time, so honestly we were a bit nervous. But it turns out we had no need to be worried. We had an awesome show. Surprisingly, the bison in my piece "No Loss Forgotten" was widely adored. I thought a Florida gulf city might not get it, but they most certainly did. And I loved it. 

2018 Spring Festival Schedule

Hello everyone! Below are the festival dates for my first 4 shows of 2018. As you can see I am changing up the Florida events completely from last year. I'll miss going to Mount Dora especially (first time in 3 years I won't be there). For the 5th show (in May) I am still waiting to hear from Artsplosure in Raleigh - I am hopeful for a return but I don't think they send out artist invites until the beginning of March.

So this also means I have the next 2 months to stay home in my studio and create new work - which is both wonderful and daunting at the same time. I haven't had this much time off from going anywhere in years. No pressure of course! I hope to post pics of my progress along the way. :)



St. Augustine Art and Craft Festival Nov 25-26

The weekend of November 25th – 26th I will be showing my work at the St. Augustine Art and Crafts Festival at Francis Field. The hours are 10am to 5pm on Saturday and then 10:00am to 4:30pm on Sunday. My booth number is O1 which on the side of the field closer to US-1 (so a little bit of a walk from the entrance by the parking garage). For more general festival info here is a link to their website

I plan on bringing quite a lot of art work with me, including: 2-3 original pieces, 30 plus giclée reproductions on canvas, 1 reproduction on birch wood, and plenty of giclée quality paper prints.

The complete list of canvas giclée prints and birch wood pieces that I plan to bring is below. I know sometimes all of the titles get hard to match up with the piece. So if you need to visual reference you can click back into the prints page. If you want to reserve one please contact me. You’ll have to prepay but it will ensure that no one can buy the piece before you are able to make it to the show.


post festival note - i went ahead and removed the list of prints since it takes up so much space. ;)